A list of software to install
Go to Python 3.12.5 and download the Windows installer (64-bit).
Execute the installer and make sure to check the box underneath that says Add python.exe to path.
If your username contains a space, use a location that doesn't spaces in it.
Visual Studio Code
Go to Visual Studio Code and download VS Code.
Select I accept the agreement to begin with.
Check all the boxes in the Other section.
Then Install.
After installation, make sure to install two handy extensions.
Look for Extensions on the left-hand panel and Search
- python
- indent-rainbow
- jupyter
Microsoft C++ Build Tools
Go to Microsoft C++ Build Tools and download Build Tools.
Check Desktop development with C++ then Install.
Go to Prover9-Mace4 v05 and download installer and patch file.
Simply click Next all the way.
Then Install.
Copy and paste the patch file to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Prover9-Mace4
Go to Git - Downloads and get installer.
Simply click Next all the way.
Then Install.